What is the Inspiration behind D-PREP International School?


    The principal inspiration for the development of D-PREP was the wisdom, principles and practices of King Rama IX.  The following quotes capture the essence of why we started D-PREP and provide an explanation of what guides our vision, mission, values, curriculum and pedagogical framework.

    “Education can be divided into two kinds of knowledge: first is the academic knowledge, which will be beneficial to oneself and the country, if applied after completing the course of learning; second is moral knowledge, or ‘Dhamma’, that is, learning how to conduct oneself. Both require wisdom on the part of the learner. But those who use only the academic knowledge, without moral knowledge, cannot be considered persons of wisdom.”

    His Majesty King Bhumibol Aduyadej

    In response to this, we developed an academically rigorous curriculum that is balanced with a bespoke integrated life skills curriculum to develop what King Rama IX refers to as moral knowledge. 

    The academic program is based on and assessed against international standards. The life skills curriculum starts with self-understanding, develops to social understanding. 

    The next stage is livelihood, followed by active citizenship. The D-PREP vision elements of Dream, Discover, and Deliver, our CO-CREATORS values, and life truths support each domain.

    Experiential Learning

    “Learning through direct practical experience results in the true and clear knowledge that can always be resorted to because of expertise, in contrast with teaching without practice, which often turns into learning just to pass the examination, or learning to be forgotten”.

    His Majesty King Bhumibol Aduyadej

    The way a school and its teachers deliver the curriculum is referred to as its pedagogy. We have been intentional in selecting and delivering a pedagogy that is focused on practical experience, which we refer to as experiential learning – learning through the experience of doing. 

    We deliver our strong academic curriculum by ensuring our students are also able to apply this knowledge. Students are therefore prepared to pass their exams, in addition to gaining the benefit from the experience and an understanding of how to apply what they have learnt in a practical way. This helps support mastery and expertise in learning.


    In the early years – we deliver experiential learning through a Reggio-Emelia inspired approach. Reggio Emilia is an educational approach from Italy, which is an innovative and inspiring way to deliver early childhood education. 

    The approach is student-centred, self-directed, and focuses on the many ways in which children learn.  This approach values the child as strong, capable, and resilient; rich with wonder and knowledge. This is designed to encourage our students to dream the impossible.

    In primary school – experiential learning has an inquiry-based focus. This approach encourages our students to discover themselves and the world around them through units of inquiry. These are blocks of learning with a connected theme in which subject areas are delivered in an interconnected way.

    Expeditionary Learning

    In middle and high school – experiential learning is delivered with an expeditionary learning focus.  Students work on extended projects which may span across 1 or 2 semesters. These expeditions are rooted in academic rigor, to allow students to develop their academic knowledge. 

    Alongside this the development of an individual’s character, through life skills. This approach is focused on our students delivering their unique talents and skills for the benefit of themselves and the world around them.

    “Education means guiding and promoting persons to progress in learning, thinking, and performing according to their own ability. The ultimate aim should be for each individual to be able to make the best use of his or her potential, to benefit oneself and others in harmony and without conflict or harassment.”

    His Majesty King Bhumibol Aduyadej

    King Rama IX was a polymath. A polymath is someone who is highly accomplished in many fields. King Rama IX was known for his jazz composition and saxophone playing, he was also a regatta-winning yachtsman, an engineer and inventor, particularly in the areas of agriculture. 

    The design thinking process is deeply embedded into the process by which King Rama IX addressed resolving the problems Thailand and its people faced during his life. This starts with understanding the needs of those affected and deciding on the problem that will be solved. Experimenting with different ideas and solutions, then delivering this solution and getting feedback as to the impact of the solution.

    The King made extensive use of his potential for the benefit of himself and the Thai people. It was this mentality that lead to the vision of our school and our motto: 

    DREAM the impossible, DISCOVER your potential, DELIVER change to yourself & the world

    Ms Lady Didyasarin
    Director, D-PREP International Prepararatory School

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